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Photo Credit: Leslie Kennah, Rhizome Media


AIDA Canada needs you! Do you have a passion for bringing people together to accomplish absolute awesomeness? Enjoy competition or freediving under the stars? Want to help freedivers share ideas and the water with each other and build local communities?






We are currently looking for volunteers
in the following areas:


  • Project Managers

  • PHP Developers

  • Database Developers

  • Graphic designers

  • Translation

  • Forum Moderators

  • Accounting/Legal

  • Event Planning

  • Public Relations

  • Photography/Videography


Our volunteers bring their diverse interests to our organization. We invite you to contribute your personality to AIDA Canada and let your voice be heard.


Being an AIDA Canada volunteer is a great way to give back to the freediving community while at the same time benefiting in the following ways:


  • working with great people on exciting projects and events

  • opportunities to learn more about freediving

  • mentor other members in your area of expertise

  • help shape the sport of freediving in Canada

  • develop a network of freedivers across the country and around the world



Contact Us

Freediving is a potentially dangerous activity. Please take a course and obtain a certification, train regularly with other certified freedivers, and follow proper safety protocols. 


For more information, please contact us.

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© 2021 AIDA Canada

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